Now is the time to join a small group! It’s our goal is to make a big parish feel like a small community, one group at a time! People join groups for different reasons; some for new faithful connections with others and some for a deeper spiritual journey that challenges them in new ways.
What to Expect:
During Lent, groups will meet every week (6 weeks). Content: Rebuilt Faith
From Easter to Pentecost, groups will meet every other week for a total of 4 times. Content: Gifts of the Spirit
Summer will vary by group. Content is flexible.
Small Group Time (1-1 .5 hours):
Connect with 6-8 people.
Gathering time, prayer, conversation/discussion questions based on parish-provided content, and fellowship over food.
*Signup for a group at Mass this weekend! Which one do you see yourself in?
If you’re still pondering next week, call the Parish Office at (616) 453-6369 and speak to Michael or MacKenzie to get in a group, or email MacKenzie at to help figure out which one is right for you.

Don’t see a small group time that fits in your schedule? Contact MacKenzie Coble at to connect about starting a new small group.