All the suggestions listed below are some of the most appropriate and most commonly used songs for a funeral liturgy (as well as some of the most familiar hymns used at Holy Spirit Parish). In no way is it possible to list every option, as there are too many to list. If you have a particular request that is not found here, please contact Joe Houdek, Director of Music to discuss whether it would be appropriate.
Responsorial Psalms (sung between the first and second scripture readings) Choose (1) from this section:
Psalm 23: Shepherd Me O God [Listen here]
Psalm 23: The Lord Is My Shepherd [Listen here]
Psalm 25: To You, O Lord [Listen here]
Psalm 34: Taste and See [Listen here]
Psalm 103: The Lord Is Kind and Merciful [Listen here]
Psalm 118: This Is the Day the Lord Has Made [Listen here]
Hymns and Songs (sung at various points throughout the funeral liturgy) Choose up to (4) from this section:
Amazing Grace [Listen here]
Be Not Afraid [Listen here]
Covenant Hymn [Listen here]
Eat This Bread [Listen here]
Eye Has Not Seen [Listen here]
Here I Am, Lord [Listen here]
Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty [Listen here]
Hosea [Listen here]
How Can I Keep From Singing [Listen here]
How Great Thou Art [Listen here]
I Am the Bread of Life [Listen here]
I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say [Listen here] [PDF lyrics]
In Christ Alone [Listen here] [PDF lyrics]
Jesus, Remember Me [Listen here]
Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee [Listen here]
Lord, When You Came to the Seashore [Listen here]
Make Me a Channel of Your Peace/Prayer of St. Francis [Listen here]
On Eagle’s Wings [Listen here]
Only This I Want [Listen here]
Precious Lord, Take My Hand [Listen here]
Seek Ye First the Kingdom of God [Listen here]
Sing a New Song [Listen here]
Soon and Very Soon [Listen here]
Taste and See [Listen here]
The King of Love My Shepherd Is [Listen here]
We Walk by Faith [Listen here]
Wherever You Go [Listen here]
Song of Farewell (sung near the end of the funeral liturgy) Choose (1) from this section:
O Loving God (to the tune of O DANNY BOY) [Listen here] [PDF lyrics here]
Song of Farewell (Ernest Sands) [Listen here] [PDF lyrics here]
Song of Farewell (Old Hundredth) [Listen here] [PDF lyrics here]
In the event that you do not have a preference for all of the section(s), the Director of Music will fill in the remaining sections with music that best fits with the scripture readings chosen for the liturgy.