Faithful Families | A New Parish-Wide Ministry at Holy Spirit
In partnership with the USCCB’s Walking with Moms in Need national initiative

Now, more than ever, the world and culture belonging to it is working to tear us apart, destroy our morals and values, and erase the family. As Catholics, we know better. Family is the foundation. We are called to build up the family, to generate a culture where life is valued, where motherhood and fatherhood are supported and where family is honored and celebrated. We are called to be Faithful Families.

Our Mission

To support each other in raising Christ-centered families.

Our Vision

To build a true village within our parish community that supports life in all stages.

Our Core Values
  • To refocus the family as the foundation of the Christian life
  • To provide the “village” it takes to raise faithful children
  • To establish a network of mentors and resources to support faith-filled parenting
  • To share in the joy of parenthood
  • To surround families with support, beginning at pre-conception

Our First Initiatives

  1. HELP Pregnancy Aid Monthly Collections
  2. Parish-Wide Meal Train Ministry
  3. Parish Ambassadors
  4. Fishers of Men

For more details on each opportunity, check out the Faithful Families Flyer.

Faithful Families looks forward to all the ways in which this ministry will grow over time to meet the needs of the parish in a very intentional way!

Where YOU Come In

This parish ministry will not be possible without YOU. Please prayerfully consider giving of your time and talents to support Faithful Families as we build upon our vision and mission to better serve moms in need, young men, and families looking for a village to support them. To sign up, fill out the Google form or email Ellie Lipon at